Saturday, July 25, 2009


Of all my musical failures, this one hurts the most. I really wanted this on my resume.

Earlier this year, Steven MacLauchlan and I were in touch with the operator of a sci-fi-themed adult website (yes, you read that correctly). This delightful pornographer gave us an opportunity to write some music for his intergalactic stag reels. Steven and I have always wanted to do film music, and what project could be more perfect? Step one was, of course, in-depth research on human-alien "relations." Step two: off to our workstations!

Maybe we were a little too enthusiastic and freaked the guy out, maybe he wasn't feelin' the outerspace thumps Steve came up with...whatever the reason, the guy stopped responding to Steve's emails. But I thought we did an okay job. Steve has posted his compositions on his website - Crown and Anchor - so I figured I'd put mine up too. Some of you guys might get a giggle listening to them once or twice, so what the heck. You can also hear me get more and more off-task, as the later ones I recorded are about as sexy as a pocket-protector.

Thanks a lot for listening!

PS - These jams are all safe for work and play; they contain no human-alien sexual content. Sorry.

1. Effing the Choir

2. Norse Orgy

3. One Finger Fun

4. Miami Intro

5. Miami